Session 12: Sovereign Debt Distress in the Global South (2024)


Session 12: Sovereign Debt Distress in the Global South

October 13, 2023

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Jorgelina A. do Rosario, Emerging Market Correspondent, Thomson Reuters


Barry Eichengreen, Professor of Economics, University of California Berkeley

Martin Guzmán, Co-President, Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University

Nandalal Weerasinghe, Governor, Central Bank of Sri Lanka



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As an expert in economics and international relations, I am well-equipped to discuss the various concepts and issues presented in the article you've referenced. The subjects range from sovereign debt distress in the Global South to broader economic themes like artificial intelligence, financialization, globalization, and tax reform. Let's unpack these concepts.

  1. Sovereign Debt Distress in the Global South: This refers to the challenges faced by developing countries in repaying their external debts. These nations often borrow to finance development projects but may struggle with repayment due to economic instability, currency devaluation, or external shocks like commodity price fluctuations. The mention of speakers like Barry Eichengreen, a renowned economist known for his work on financial crises and international economics, and Martin Guzmán, who specializes in macroeconomics and sovereign debt, underscores the depth of discussion likely at the session.

  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Economy: AI's role in the economy is rapidly evolving. It's not just about automation of repetitive tasks anymore; AI can now generate new content, analyze data, and even make complex predictions. This evolution is transforming industries and potentially increasing productivity and innovation.

  3. Financialization: This term describes the increasing dominance of financial markets, financial motives, financial institutions, and financial elites in the economy, often at the expense of traditional industrial sectors. Since the 1980s, this trend has been linked to increased economic fragility, as economies become more susceptible to financial market fluctuations.

  4. Globalization and the World Economic Forum in Davos: Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness of the world through trade, investment, and cultural exchange. The World Economic Forum in Davos is an annual meeting of global business and political leaders to discuss these issues. However, the recent downturn in globalization highlights challenges such as protectionism and geopolitical tensions.

  5. Tax Reform in Brazil: Tax reforms, like the one in Brazil that aims to simplify taxes by introducing a single VAT, are critical for economic efficiency and growth. These reforms can have far-reaching effects on GDP and sectoral balance.

  6. Africa Economic Symposium (AES): This event represents an effort to bring together experts to discuss the economic development of Africa. The focus is on global and continental perspectives that shape Africa's future, indicating the importance of collaborative and informed policy-making.

  7. Inclusive Education in Morocco: The focus on inclusive education and the dropout of special needs students in Morocco highlights the broader issue of educational access and equality. The spatial analysis indicates a data-driven approach to understanding and addressing these challenges.

  8. China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): The BRI is a global development strategy adopted by the Chinese government involving infrastructure development and investments in countries around the world. It's a significant element of China's foreign policy and has implications for global trade and political dynamics.

  9. Sustainable Development and Water Sector: The concept of sustainable development is crucial in addressing global challenges. The water sector's case study in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) shows the importance of a systems approach to understand interconnections and accelerate progress.

  10. Global Value Chains and Morocco: The discussion about how Moroccan regions contribute to global value chains (GVCs) highlights the importance of understanding local economic contributions to global economic processes. This is key for effective policy-making and regional development.

Each of these topics represents a complex and interconnected aspect of the current global economic landscape. Understanding these concepts is crucial for grasping the challenges and opportunities faced by countries and regions worldwide.

Session 12: Sovereign Debt Distress in the Global South (2024)


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